Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Days of Heaven

Hello, I am the director of Days of Heaven. The most important aspect about this film is the relationship between Abby and Bill. The audience needed to realize that the two only went through with this scheme to create a better life for the other person. I wanted to give the audience a hint of that insanely powerful, all-consuming love.

However, there should be inner conflict. Bill may perhaps have intentions in the right place, but that does not excuse the fact that this couple is manipulating Chuck. They’re basically vultures. So I want the audience to understand Abby and Bill. However, they’re not going to root for them. It’s more like they’ve become invested in the two’s lives and wonder what the consequences are going to be.

Also, the audience must realize that feelings are incredibly fragile. When you have this irresistible attraction to one person, it’s hard to stay away. Even if your common sense is telling you shouldn’t. Experiencing it is definitely something. The greatest love story of all time, Romeo and Juliet, was based on this. However, what’s also interesting is how feelings can change with time. Chuck did find a way into Abby’s heart. This created the biggest obstacle for the couple.

But in the end, there was retribution. There is no way that deceit and betrayal can conclude well. Each party must suffer. Only the innocent, Ursula, escapes free. For this film, I need actors who have experienced this kind of love. This power that takes over your being. It will be young love. Usually the first true love. I need actors with this kind of chemistry. I need someone who portray the ignorance and blind devotion of Chuck convincingly.

During the part of the film when Abby and Bill are separated, I need montage shots that evoke emotion. That feeling of longing must be prevalent. When Abby, Bill and Chuck are all together, the inner conflict must be felt. Afterwards, the audience must wonder why the characters had to endure such misery. They must question if Abby and Bill could ever experience happiness.

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